
Assembly Programme
The school gathers all its students for the day. It also serves as a tool to communicate information on a daily basis. The school assembly program focuses on current affairs, national and religious festivals, moral values which are performed by the students and for the students. It also serves as a stage for students, aspiring to compete at higher levels.

The Co-curricular activities encompass a wide range of skills. It aims at bringing out the hidden talents of children. They are meant to bring social skills, intellectual skills, moral values, personality progress and character appeal in students. The school provides this opportunity to each and every child and emphasizes on healthy competing environment through these activities.

Display Board Competitions
Our students display team work and a good showcase of concepts in designing the bulletin boards. Brain- storming sessions are held to bring out the best learning, creativity and team-spirit.

Science/Math Olympiad/ GK
The school also conducts competitive exams like Olympiadsand GK. Competitions at national level with the aim to provide exposure to students and groom them to rise up to any challenges in the future. These Competitions are based on the school curriculum and are held by various independent organisations.

Art & Craft
Art & Craft in the school curriculum invest in building their cognitive, physical and social development, It aims at the enhancement of motor skills, dexterity, agility, artistic skills and speed of the students.

The investiture ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly invested office bearers. It inculcates one of the essential skills i.e. the leadership quality among the students. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.

Field Trip
The school arranges field trip every year for students with opportunities to learn by travelling, visiting places to experience real world learning, access to tools in environment, socio- emotional growth and has academic impact on making concepts clear and memorable.

Annual Day / Sports Day
The school holds Annual Day/ Sports Day on alternate years to express creativity and imagination portrayed by our students and also enables the school to showcase its achievements in all areas. From dance, drama, mime, musical events of Annual Day to inert house March Past, athletic events and team sports are eagerly awaited by students and parents alike every year.

Science Exhibition
it is organized to enhance student knowledge and making learning a fun experience. It also enhances student interest in science and technology. It engages students in learning new facts and inventions with a zeal of interest.

Yoga is an integral part of the school curriculum. It helps in controlling an individual’s mind, body and soul.It brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind; it helps manage stress and anxiety and keeps one relaxing.

Music plays an important part in our school curriculum. Musical training helps develop language and reasoning, promotes craftmanship. It helps in emotional development of students and to cope with anxiety.

Dance teaches the importance of movement and fitness in a variety of ways through a variety of disciplines.It improves student flexibility, range of motion, physical strength and stamina.